Monday, March 29, 2010

Oliver's Tech Tips: Efficiency Tips Volume IV

Oliver has compiled a quick list of tips to help keep you productivity rate high as possible. This volume consists of highlighting and cursor movement tips.

Advanced Selection and Navigation Efficiency Tips

Switching one of your hands between the keyboard and mouse constantly can seriously impede productivity. Here are my favorite ways to highlight/select sections of text using only the keyboard:

SHIFT+End: Highlights everything from your current cursor to the end of the line.

SHIFT+Home: Highlights everything from your current cursor to the beginning of the line.

CTRL+SHIFT+End: Highlights everything from your current cursor to the end of the document.

CTRL+SHIFT+Home: Highlights everything from your current cursor to the beginning of the document.

CTRL+Right/Left Arrow: Move to the right or left one word.

CTRL+SHIFT+Right/Left Arrow: Move to the right or left one word, and highlight/select the word. You can continue holding down CTRL+SHIFT keep tapping the arrow key to highlight the next word in that direction. (You can then use the opposite arrow to deselect the last added word)

CTRL+Up/Down Arrow: Move to the right or left one paragraph.

CTRL+SHIFT+Up/Down Arrow: Works just like CTRL+SHIFT+Right/Left Arrow, but selection is by paragraph, rather than by word.

SHIFT+Up/Down Arrow: Works just like CTRL+SHIFT+Right/Left Arrow, but selection is by line, rather than by word.

SHIFT+Page Up/Page Down: Works just like CTRL+SHIFT+Right/Left Arrow, but selection is by line, rather than by word.

Sometimes using the mouse is faster, here are a few way to make quick selections with the mouse:

Double Click (a word in text document/field): Double clicking a word, will select the word (and the space after immediately following it).

SHIFT+MouseClick: Will highlight/select everything between your cursor, and where you click.

CRTRL+Click or CTRL+Mouse Drag: After highlighting/creating a selection with the mouse, hold down the CTRL key to ADD your new selection to the existing selection. This is most useful when working with lists of folders and files in windows, but will work in most windows programs too.

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posted by Dataccount Inc. @ 1:24 PM   2 Comments

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Convergence 2010 Update

Since our last update we have re certified ourselves as a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, and a Microsoft Small Business Specialist for another year!

The team at Dataccount has been hard at work planning our product debut for Convergence 2010 in Atlanta. Organizing. Creating. Innovating.

Our new product stack is the Datagility suite with 5 products.

Datagiity Docs
(GP Email & Document Management)

Datagility Items
(One-point Item Maintenance)

Datagility Allocations
(Allocations GP BE Edition)

Datagility ATP
(Available-to-Promise GP BE Edition)

Datagility Sales
(Fully Configurable On-the-Road & In-The-Office Sales )

For those of you attending Convergence 2010 in Atlanta, we have our booth space finalized Booth:1142

We will update later with some of the project details.

Come back within the week and we promise to have another one of Oliver's Savvy Tech tips available.

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posted by Dataccount Inc. @ 2:43 PM   37 Comments